My Journey into Breathwork

I was walking on a trail through the woods one day and decided to listen to a replay of a webinar I had not yet listened to. I chose it impromptu, feeling curious about it. By the end of the hour I was feeling so excited and felt a strong urge to connect with Samantha Skelley and her team to learn more about the breathwork course she was offering. Five minutes into my discovery call I felt a YES radiating through my body. I knew this was a path I had to take!

My personal experience with breathwork has helped me to release daily tension and anxiety, release emotional stress originating from past traumas, connect with my body and mind on a deeper level, tap further into my intuition and face my long-held fears of speaking to groups of people. It has also helped me with taking more ownership of my life, setting stronger boundaries, and expressing myself more. The thing about breathwork is that you always have access to it and it doesn't take long at all for you to begin feeling a transformation within your system. It only takes a few moments of conscious breathing to reset your body, allowing for a shift in perspective.

It's amazing how so many of us go throughout life without even realizing how powerful our breath is. There are so many life changing benefits that are available to us when we use our breath intentionally. Our breath is our life force and can literally transform us. Connecting with our breath is connecting with our power!

I am here to help guide you on your personal journey with breathwork. I provide a safe, comfortable container for you to express yourself fully as you encounter whatever it is that may come up for you during your breathwork session. You are so safe to feel, and you are so loved.

I love being a massage therapist

Mandy Schoff, LMT

Graduate of Spa Tech Institute, Ipswich, MA

I believe that the human body is designed to heal itself. I work with my clients to facilitate that natural healing process. I help by providing a massage that relaxes the body relieving stress, tension, and pain. This can heighten an individual's awareness of physical, mental and emotional processes, in turn providing opportunities for personal growth, transformation, and healing.

A little more about me: I love nature, the beach, the warmth of the sun, being with the people and animals I love, listening to music, adventure, reading, learning, creating jewelry and art, trail running, yoga, healthy eating and anything that helps me grow as a person.